主題SACRILEGE (褻瀆神聖/瀆聖行為 )
     利 19:8  林前 3:17  多 1:11  彼前 5:2 

       創 25:33 
       利 10:1-7  民 3:4 
       撒下 6:6,7 
       代下 26:16-21 
       民 16:40 
       撒上 6:19 
       代下 28:24 
       太 21:12,13  路 19:45  約 2:14-16 
       林前 11:29 

 -(Profaning holy things)
     Le 19:8  1Co 3:17  Tit 1:11  1Pe 5:2 

   .Esau sells his birthright
       Ge 25:33 
   .Nadab and Abihu offer "strange" (unauthorized) fire
       Le 10:1-7  Nu 3:4 
   .Of Uzzah
       2Sa 6:6,7 
   .Of Uzziah
       2Ch 26:16-21 
   .Of Korah and his group
       Nu 16:40 
   .Of the people of Beth-shemesh
       1Sa 6:19 
   .Of Ahaz
       2Ch 28:24 
   .Of the money-exchangers in the temple
       Mt 21:12,13  Lu 19:45  Joh 2:14-16 
   .Of those who profaned the Lord's Supper
       1Co 11:29 
