中文內容 | -他的出生是神蹟
撒上 1:7-20
撒上 1:11,22,24-28
撒上 2:1-10
撒上 2:11,18,19
撒上 2:21 3:19
撒上 3:1-18
撒上 3:20,21 4:1
-是以色列的士師 (領袖), 巡行伯特利、吉甲、米斯巴、拉瑪審判
撒上 7:15-17
代上 9:22 26:28 代下 35:18
撒上 7:4-6
撒上 7:7-14
撒上 8:1-3
-百姓要求立王; 他反對
撒上 8:4-22
撒上 9:10
撒上 11:12-15
-責備掃羅; 預言他國祚不長
撒上 13:11-15 撒上 15
撒上 16
-保護大衛, 躲避掃羅
撒上 19:18
-辭世; 百姓為他哀哭
撒上 25:1
撒上 28:3-20
撒上 12:1-5 詩 99:6 耶 15:1 來 11:32
代上 29:29
代上 6:28,33
內容 | -Miraculous birth of
1Sa 1:7-20
-Consecrated to God before his birth
1Sa 1:11,22,24-28
-His mother's song of thanksgiving
1Sa 2:1-10
-Ministered in the house of God
1Sa 2:11,18,19
-Blessed of God
1Sa 2:21 3:19
-His vision concerning the house of Eli
1Sa 3:1-18
-A prophet of the Israelites
1Sa 3:20,21 4:1
-A judge (leader) of Israel, his judgment seat at Beth-el,
Gilgal, Mizpeh, and Ramah
1Sa 7:15-17
-Organizes the tabernacle service
1Ch 9:22 26:28 2Ch 35:18
-Israelites repent because of his reproofs and warnings
1Sa 7:4-6
-The Philistines defeated through his intercession and
1Sa 7:7-14
-Makes his corrupt sons judges in Israel
1Sa 8:1-3
-People desire a king; he protests
1Sa 8:4-22
-Anoints Saul to be king of Israel
1Sa 9:10
-Renews the kingdom of Saul
1Sa 11:12-15
-Reproves Saul; foretells that his kingdom will be established
1Sa 13:11-15 15
-Anoints David to be king
1Sa 16
-Shelters David while escaping from Saul
1Sa 19:18
-Death of; the lament for him
1Sa 25:1
-Called up by the witch of Endor
1Sa 28:3-20
-His integrity as a judge and ruler
1Sa 12:1-5 Ps 99:6 Jer 15:1 Heb 11:32
-Chronicles of
1Ch 29:29
-Sons of
1Ch 6:28,33
1Ch 6:33