內容 | -1. Also called SARAI
.Wife of Abraham
Ge 11:29-31 12:5
.Near of kin to Abraham
Ge 12:10-20 20:12
.Abraham represents her as his sister, and Abimelech, king of
Gerar, takes her; she is restored to Abraham by means of a
Ge 20:1-14
.Is sterile; gives her handmaiden, Hagar, to Abraham as a
Ge 16:1-3
.Her jealousy of Hagar
Ge 16:4-6 21:9-14
.Her miraculous conception of Isaac
Ge 17:15-21 18:9-15
.Name changed from Sarai to Sarah
Ge 17:15
.Gives birth to Isaac
Ge 21:3,6-8
.Death and burial of
Ge 23 25:10
.Character of
Heb 11:11 1Pe 3:5,6