中文內容 | -惡人的特徵
詩 49:18
詩 30:6 何 12:8 路 12:17-19
詩 81:11,12 何 4:17 帖後 2:10,11
箴 14:12
耶 44:17
箴 30:12
路 18:11
啟 3:17
申 29:19
詩 10:6
太 7:21,22
太 3:9 路 13:25,26
耶 5:12
彼後 3:4
賽 56:12 路 12:19 雅 4:13
太 7:22 25:11,12 路 13:24,25
太 7:23 24:48-51 路 12:20 帖前 5:3
王上 20:27,34
何 12:8
約 8:33,41
啟 3:17
.見 自信/信任 , 虛妄的自信
.見 安全感 , 虛假的安全感
內容 | -A characteristic of wicked people
Ps 49:18
-Prosperity frequently leads to
Ps 30:6 Ho 12:8 Lu 12:17-19
-Obstinate sinners often given up to
Ps 81:11,12 Ho 4:17 2Th 2:10,11
-Exhibited in thinking that
.Our own ways are right
Pr 14:12
.We should adhere to established wicked practices
Jer 44:17
.We are pure
Pr 30:12
.We are better than others
Lu 18:11
.We are rich in spiritual things
Re 3:17
.We may have peace while in sin
De 29:19
.We are above adversity
Ps 10:6
.Gifts entitle us to go to heaven
Mt 7:21,22
.Privileges entitle us to enter heaven
Mt 3:9 Lu 13:25,26
.God will not punish our sins
Jer 5:12
.Christ will not come to condemn us
2Pe 3:4
.Our lives will be prolonged
Isa 56:12 Lu 12:19 Jas 4:13
-Frequently persevered in, to the end
Mt 7:22 25:11,12 Lu 13:24,25
-Fatal consequences of
Mt 7:23 24:48-51 Lu 12:20 1Th 5:3
1Ki 20:27,34
Ho 12:8
Joh 8:33,41
.The Laodicean congregation
Re 3:17