內容 | -1. A mountain in the peninsula east of the Red Sea
.Also called SINA-HORA
.The people of Israel arrive at, in their wanderings in the
Ex 16:1 19:2 De 1:2
.The law delivered to Moses upon
Ex 19:3-25 20 24:12-18 32:15,16 34:2-4 Le 7:38 25:1 26:46 27:34 Nu 3:1 De 4:15 5:26 29:1 33:2 Ne
9:13 Ps 68:8,17 Mal 4:4 Ac 7:30,38
Ga 4:24,25
-2. Wilderness of
.The people of Israel journeyed in
Nu 10:12
.Kept the Passover Festival in
Nu 9:1-5
.Counted in
Nu 26:64