內容 | -Does not exempt from guilt
Ge 20
-Forgiveness of enemies must be sincere
Mt 18:35
-Servants must render honest service
Eph 6:5-7
-Whatever is done must be done with
1Co 10:31
-Jesus was an example of
1Pe 2:22
-Servants of should be examples of
Tit 2:7
-Opposed to fleshly wisdom
2Co 1:12
-Should characterize
.Our love toward God
2Co 8:8,24
.Our love toward Jesus
Eph 6:24
.Our service toward God
Jos 24:14
.Our faith
1Ti 1:5
.Our love to one another
Ro 12:9 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 3:18
.Our whole conduct
2Co 1:12
.The preaching of the gospel
2Co 2:17 1Th 2:3-5
-A characteristic of the doctrines of the gospel
1Pe 2:2
-The gospel sometimes preached without
Php 1:16
-Evil people are devoid of
Ps 5:9 55:21
-Exhortations to
1Co 5:8 1Pe 2:1
-Prayer for, on behalf of others
Php 1:10
-Blessedness of
Ps 32:2
.By some men of the tribe of Zebulun
1Ch 12:33
.By Hezekiah
Isa 38:3
.By Nathanael
Joh 1:47
.By Paul
2Co 1:12
.By Timothy
2Ti 1:5
.By Lois and Eunice
2Ti 1:5