中文內容 | -(號稱靠著鬼神而占卜)
利 19:26-28,31 20:6 申 18:9-14
賽 8:19 瑪 3:5
賽 19:3,11,12
出 7:11,22 8:7,18
民 22:6 23:23
民 22 民 23
王下 9:22
鴻 3:4,5
賽 47:9-13 結 21:21,22 但 2:2,10,27
但 5:7,15
徒 8:9
徒 11
.以呂馬 (巴耶穌)
徒 13:8
徒 16:16
徒 19:13
徒 19:14,15
耶 10:2 彌 3:6,7
耶 14:14 27:9 29:8,9 結 13:6-9 22:28 太 24:24
結 12:23,24 13:23 彌 5:12
結 21:29 亞 10:2 帖後 2:9
彌 3:7
加 5:19,20
撒上 15:23
賽 44:25
出 22:18 利 20:27 申 13:5
-靠著交鬼占卜 (靈媒)
利 20:27 代上 10:13 代下 33:6 賽 8:19 19:3 29:4
結 21:21
王下 23:24 結 21:21
何 4:12
撒上 28:7-25
徒 19:19
內容 | -(Divination by an alleged assistance of evil spirits)
Le 19:26-28,31 20:6 De 18:9-14
Isa 8:19 Mal 3:5
.By the Egyptians
Isa 19:3,11,12
.By the magicians
Ex 7:11,22 8:7,18
.By Balaam
Nu 22:6 23:23 22 23
.By Jezebel
2Ki 9:22
.By the Ninevites
Na 3:4,5
.By the Babylonians
Isa 47:9-13 Eze 21:21,22 Da 2:2,10,27
.By Belshazzar
Da 5:7,15
.By Simon the Sorcerer (Magus)
Ac 8:9 11
.By Elymas (Bar-Jesus)
Ac 13:8
.By the girl at Philippi
Ac 16:16
.By charlatan Jews
Ac 19:13
.By sons of Sceva
Ac 19:14,15
.By astrologers
Jer 10:2 Mic 3:6,7
.By false prophets
Jer 14:14 27:9 29:8,9 Eze 13:6-9 22:28 Mt 24:24
-To cease
Eze 12:23,24 13:23 Mic 5:12
-Messages of, false
Eze 21:29 Zec 10:2 2Th 2:9
-Diviners will be confounded
Mic 3:7
-Belongs to the works of the flesh
Ga 5:20
-Wickedness of
1Sa 15:23
-Vainness of
Isa 44:25
-Punishment for
Ex 22:18 Le 20:27 De 13:5
-Divining by familiar spirits (mediums or spiritists)
Le 20:27 1Ch 10:13 2Ch 33:6 Isa 8:19 19:3 29:4
-By entrails
Eze 21:21
-By images
2Ki 23:24 Eze 21:21
-By rods
Ho 4:12
-Saul consulted the Witch of Endor
1Sa 28:7-25
-Books of, destroyed
Ac 19:19