內容 | -An empire founded by Nimrod
Ge 10:8-12 Mic 5:6
-It extended from east of the Tigris
Ge 2:14 10:11
-Possibly to Egypt
Ge 25:18
-Its armies invade the land of Israel under Pul
2Ki 15:19 1Ch 5:26
2Ki 15:29 1Ch 5:6,26
2Ki 17:3-6,24-27 18:9-12 Jer 50:17
2Ki 18:13-37 19 2Ch 32 Isa 36 37
-Army of, destroyed by the angel of the Lord
Isa 37:36
-Alliances with, sought by Judah and Israel
Ho 5:13
-Israelites subject to
La 5:6
-Israelites carried captive into
2Ki 17:3-23
-Jews carried captive to
2Ki 24 25 2Ch 36:5-21
-Invaded by Pharaoh-necho
2Ki 23:29
-Commerce of
Eze 27:23
-Productiveness of
Isa 36:17
-Prophecies concerning
Isa 7:17-25 8:4-10 10:5-34 14:24-28 19:23-25 20 30:27-33 31:8,9 37:21-35 Jer 1:15 Eze 31 Jon 3:1-4 Na
1 2 3 Zep 2:13-15 Zec 10:11
-Prophecies of captivity of Israelites in
Ho 9:3 11:5,11
-Idols of