中文內容 | -(外地人, 外國人)
利 25:44,45
申 15:3 23:20
申 14:21
申 17:15
出 12:43,48
出 29:33 利 22:10,12,25
利 24:16
民 1:51
利 17:10
出 12:49 利 24:22 民 9:11 申 1:16 耶 22:3
申 24:14,17 27:19 耶 22:3
結 22:29 瑪 3:5
出 20:10 23:12
利 17:8 22:18,19
太 27:7
利 25:35-38
申 10:18,19
申 23:7
申 25:5
.見 好客/殷勤款待
-見 賙濟
-見 異教徒/外邦人 |
內容 | -(Aliens, foreigners)
-Mosaic law relating to
.Authorized bondservice of
Le 25:44,45
.Usury of
De 15:3 23:20
.Sale to, of the meat of animals that had died
De 14:21
.Forbid their being made kings over Israel
De 17:15
.Their eating the Passover meal
Ex 12:43,48
.Their eating things offered in sacrifice
Ex 29:33 Le 22:10,12,25
.Their blaspheming
Le 24:16
.Their approaching the tabernacle
Nu 1:51
.Their eating blood
Le 17:10
.Injustice to
Ex 12:49 Le 24:22 Nu 9:11 De 1:16 Jer 22:3
.Oppression of
De 24:14,17 27:19 Jer 22:3
-Instances of oppression of
Eze 22:29 Mal 3:5
-Required to observe the Sabbath day
Ex 20:10 23:12
-Could offer oblations
Le 17:8 22:18,19
-Were buried in separate burial places
Mt 27:7
-Kindness to the poor of, required
Le 25:35-38
-Love of, enjoined
De 10:18,19
-Abhorrence of, forbidden
De 23:7
-Marriage with, forbidden
De 25:5
-Hospitality to