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徒 25:19
.以色列人, 以為他們被巴勒斯坦人打敗,是由於他們沒攜帶約櫃
撒上 4:3 4:10,11
.巴勒斯坦人, 自從大袞一再落在門檻後, 不肯踏大袞廟門檻
撒上 5:5
王上 20:23
.猶太人, 將他們的災難歸因於不再獻祭給天后
耶 44:17-19
.尼布甲尼撒, 以為但以理身上有神明的靈
但 4:8,9
拿 1:4-16
.眾門徒, 看到耶穌行在水面上時以為見到鬼
太 14:26 可 6:49,50
.希律安提帕, 把耶穌想成其實是死而復生的施洗約翰
可 6:14,16
.格大拉人 (格拉森人), 因為耶穌把住在墳塋間的神身上的眾鬼趕出去
太 8:34
.眾門徒, 見到彼得出現時非常驚恐
徒 12:14,15
.以弗所人, 素來行邪術
徒 19:13-19
.米利大(馬爾他)島的居民, 以為保羅是神之類的
徒 28:6
.見 拜偶像
.見 邪術/巫術
內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Ac 25:19
.Israelites, supposing that their defeat in battle with the
Philistines was due to their not having brought with them
the ark of the covenant
1Sa 4:3 4:10,11
.Philistines, refusing to step on the threshold of the temple
of Dagon after the image of Dagon had repeatedly fallen upon
1Sa 5:5
.The belief of the Syrians concerning the help of the gods
1Ki 20:23
.Jews, attributing their calamities to having ceased offering
sacrifices to the Queen of Heaven
Jer 44:17-19
.Nebuchadnezzar, supposing that the spirit of the gods was
upon Daniel
Da 4:8,9
.The sailors who threw Jonah into the sea
Jon 1:4-16
.The disciples, supposing they saw a ghost when Jesus came
walking upon the lake
Mt 14:26 Mr 6:49,50
.Herod Antipas, imagining that Jesus was actually John the
Baptist risen from the dead
Mr 6:14,16
.The Gadarenes (Gerasenes, Gergasenes), because Jesus
expelled demons out of the man who lived among the tombs
Mt 8:34
.The disciples who were frightened at the appearance of Peter
Ac 12:14,15
.The Ephesians, in their sorceries
Ac 19:13-19
.The people of the island of Melita (Malta), in assuming that
Paul was some sort of god
Ac 28:6