中文內容 | -(又名 TIMOTHEUS, 保羅的同伴)
徒 16:1
-人家對他讚譽有加, 他也是忠實的基督徒
徒 16:2 林前 4:17 16:10 提後 1:5 3:15
-受割禮; 成為保羅的同伴
徒 16:3 帖前 3:2
徒 17:14
徒 17:15 18:5
徒 19:22
-再度與保羅相聚; 隨保羅去亞西亞
徒 20:1-4
羅 16:21
林前 4:17 16:10,11
林後 1:19
腓 2:19,23
帖前 3:2,6
提前 1:3
腓 2:19-23 門 1:1 來 13:23
助理, 見哥林多前書與希伯來書的附錄
腓 1:1
西 1:1,2
帖前 1:1 帖後 1:1
門 1:1
腓 2:19-22 提前 6:12
提前 4:14 提後 1:6
林前 4:17 腓 2:22 提前 1:2,18 提後 1:2-4
提前 1:1,2 提後 1:1,2
內容 | -(also Called TIMOTHEUS, the companion of Paul)
-Parentage of
Ac 16:1
-Reputation and Christian faith of
Ac 16:2 1Co 4:17 16:10 2Ti 1:5 3:15
-Circumcised; becomes Paul's companion
Ac 16:3 1Th 3:2
-Left by Paul at Berea
Ac 17:14
-Rejoined Paul at Corinth
Ac 17:15 18:5
-Sent into Macedonia
Ac 19:22
-Rejoined by Paul; accompanies Paul to Asia
Ac 20:1-4
-Sent salutation to the Romans
Ro 16:21
-Sent to the Corinthians
1Co 4:17 16:10,11
-Preached to the Corinthians
2Co 1:19
-Sent to the Philippians
Php 2:19,23
-Sent to the Thessalonians
1Th 3:2,6
-Left by Paul in Ephesus
1Ti 1:3
-Confined with Paul in Rome
Php 2:19-23 Phm 1:1 Heb 13:23
-His name found with the postscripts to Philippians, Philemon,
and Hebrews, ordained bishop of the Ephesians in postscript
to Second Timothy. Acts as Paul's amanuesis (scribe), see the
postscript to First Corinthians and Hebrews.
-Joined Paul in the letters
.To the Philippians
Php 1:1
.To the Colossians
Col 1:1,2
.To the Thessalonians
1Th 1:1 2Th 1:1
.To Philemon
Phm 1:1
-Zeal of
Php 2:19-22 1Ti 6:12
-Power of
1Ti 4:14 2Ti 1:6
-Paul's love for
1Co 4:17 Php 2:22 1Ti 1:2,18 2Ti 1:2-4
-Paul writes to
1Ti 1:1,2 2Ti 1:1,2