中文內容 | -聖徒應當用誠實敬拜上帝
約 4:24 詩 145:18
書 24:14 撒上 12:24
王上 2:4 王下 20:3
林前 5:8
箴 23:23
亞 8:19
林前 13:6
亞 8:16 弗 4:25
亞 8:16
腓 4:8
箴 3:3
箴 3:3
弗 5:9
-上帝的僕人應當講述真理 (說實話)
林後 12:6 加 4:16
提前 2:7
林後 6:7,8
出 18:21
箴 20:28
-說出真話的, 顯明公義
箴 12:17
-說實話的, 為上帝所喜悅
箴 12:22
何 4:1
耶 9:5
賽 59:14,15
.不憑誠實辨白 (不承認真理)
賽 59:4
耶 9:3
耶 9:5,9 何 4:1,3
-福音是真理, 靠著基督而來
約 1:17
提前 2:7
約 5:33
多 1:1
約 17:17,19
彼前 1:22
弗 6:14
耶 33:6
約二 1:2
提後 2:25
帖後 2:12,13 提前 4:3
羅 2:8 加 3:1
帖後 2:10
林後 4:2
提後 2:15
提後 4:4
提後 3:8
提前 6:5
-教會 (基督的身體) 是真理的柱石和根基
提前 3:15
約 8:44
申 32:4 賽 65:16
詩 146:6
出 34:6
民 23:19 多 1:2
詩 100:5
啟 15:3
詩 33:4 111:7 但 4:37
詩 19:9
詩 119:160 約 17:17
林後 1:20
彌 7:20
詩 25:10
詩 57:3
啟 16:7
詩 91:4
詩 31:5 多 1:2
詩 89:49
代下 6:17
撒下 2:6
賽 38:19
詩 71:22 138:2
創 3:4,5
約一 1:10
約一 5:10
出 34:6 申 32:4 詩 31:5 33:4 40:10 51:6 57:3,10
詩 85:10,11 86:15 89:14 96:13 98:3 100:5 108:4 箴 12:19
箴 16:13 賽 25:1 59:14,15 65:16 耶 5:3 但 4:37 10:21
彌 7:20 約 1:14 8:31,32 14:6,17 16:13 17:17,19
約 18:37,38 羅 2:2
內容 | -Saints should worship God in
Joh 4:24 Ps 145:18
-Serve God in
Jos 24:14 1Sa 12:24
-Walk in the presence of God in
1Ki 2:4 2Ki 20:3
-Keep religious feasts with
1Co 5:8
-Esteem, as inestimable
Pr 23:23
Zec 8:19
-Rejoice in
1Co 13:6
-Speak, to one another
Zec 8:16 Eph 4:25
-Execute judgment with
Zec 8:16
-Meditate upon
Php 4:8
-Bind, around the neck
Pr 3:3
-Write, upon the tables of the heart
Pr 3:3
-The fruit of the Spirit is in
Eph 5:9
-God's servants should speak
2Co 12:6 Ga 4:16
-Teach in
1Ti 2:7
-Approve themselves by
2Co 6:7,8
-Magistrates should be men of
Ex 18:21
-Kings are preserved by
Pr 20:28
-They who speak, show forth righteousness
Pr 12:17
-Those who speak, are the delight of God
Pr 12:22
-The evil people
.Are destitute of
Ho 4:1
.Speak not
Jer 9:5
.Uphold not
Isa 59:14,15
.Plead not for
Isa 59:4
.Are not valiant for
Jer 9:3
.Punished for want of
Jer 9:5,9 Ho 4:1,3
-The gospel as, came by Christ
Joh 1:17
-Is in Christ
1Ti 2:7
-John bore witness to
Joh 5:33
-Is according to godliness
Tit 1:1
-Is sanctifying
Joh 17:17,19
-Is purifying
1Pe 1:22
-Is part of the Christian armor
Eph 6:14
-Revealed abundantly to saints
Jer 33:6
-Abides continually with saints
2Jo 1:2
-Should be acknowledged
2Ti 2:25
-Should be believed
2Th 2:12,13 1Ti 4:3
-Should be obeyed
Ro 2:8 Ga 3:1
-Should be loved
2Th 2:10
-Should be manifested
2Co 4:2
-Should be rightly divided
2Ti 2:15
-Evil people turn away from
2Ti 4:4
-The wicked resist
2Ti 3:8
-Evil people are destitute of
1Ti 6:5
-The ekklesia (body of Christ) is the pillar and ground of
1Ti 3:15
-Satan is devoid of
Joh 8:44
.Is one of his attributes
De 32:4 Isa 65:16
.He keeps, forever
Ps 146:6
Ex 34:6
Nu 23:19 Tit 1:2
.Enduring to all generations
Ps 100:5
.Exhibited in his
Re 15:3
Ps 33:4 111:7 Da 4:37
.Judicial statutes
Ps 19:9
Ps 119:160 Joh 17:17
.Fulfillment of promises in Christ
2Co 1:20
.Fulfillment of his covenant
Mic 7:20
.Dealings with saints
Ps 25:10
.Deliverance of saints
Ps 57:3
.Punishment of evil people
Re 16:7
.Is a shield and buckler to saints
Ps 91:4
.We should confide in
Ps 31:5 Tit 1:2
.Plead in prayer
Ps 89:49
.Pray for its manifestation to ourselves
2Ch 6:17
.Pray for its exhibition to others
2Sa 2:6
.Make known, to others
Isa 38:19
Ps 71:22 138:2
.Is denied by
.The Devil
Ge 3:4,5
.Self-righteous people
1Jo 1:10
1Jo 5:10
Ex 34:6 De 32:4 Ps 31:5 33:4 40:10 51:6 57:3,10 85:10,11 86:15 89:14 96:13 98:3 100:5 108:4 Pr 12:19 16:13 Isa 25:1 59:14,15 65:16 Jer 5:3 Da 4:37 10:21 Mic 7:20 Joh 1:14 8:31,32 14:6,17 16:13 17:17,19 18:37,38 Ro 2:2