中文內容 | -關於許願的摩西律法
利 23:37,38 民 29:39
-必須是自願的, 見下
-必須履行, 見下
-許願時所獻之物得用多少錢贖回, 要由祭司按著獻供物的人
利 27:1-13
-許願所獻的不動產得用多少錢贖回, 要由祭司評估
利 27:14,15
利 27:16-25
-許願所獻的食物, 要在獻的當天吃掉
利 7:16-18
申 12:6,11,17,18,26
民 18:14
.耶弗他, 戰勝亞捫人, 只得照所許的願把女兒分別為聖獻給上帝
士 11:29-40
.以色列人, 消滅便雅憫人
士 21:5,6 20:21
-不得用來還願的東西:娼妓所得的錢, 或孌童(異教神殿的男妓)
申 23:18
可 7:11-13
創 28:20,21 31:13 利 5:4-13 22:18-25 民 15:2-16
民 30:1-16 申 23:18,21-23 伯 22:27 詩 22:25 50:14,15
詩 56:12 61:5,8 65:1 66:13,14 76:11 116:14-19 箴 20:25
傳 5:4-6 拿 2:9 鴻 1:15
.見 契約
.見 約
.雅各, 見上
創 28:20-22
.米迦的母親, 奉獻銀子, 好製作偶像
士 17:2,3
.哈拿, 把求來的兒子分別為聖獻給耶和華
撒上 1:11 1:27,28
撒上 1:21
撒下 15:7,8
.約伯, 立志不懷淫念
伯 31:1
詩 132:2
.亞拿尼亞和撒非喇, 把賣地的收入獻上
徒 5:1-11
.猶太人, 起誓要殺保羅
徒 23:12-15
.耶弗他, 和以色列人
.見輕率許願, 如上
.見 拿細耳人 |
內容 | -Mosaic laws concerning
Le 23:37,38 Nu 29:39
-Must be voluntary, see below
-Must be performed, see below
-Estimation of the redemption price of things offered in vows,
to be made by the priest, according to age and sex of the
person making the offering
Le 27:1-13
-The redemption price of the offering of real estate, to be
valued by the priest
Le 27:14,15
-Of a field
Le 27:16-25
-Edible things offered in, to be eaten the same day they were
Le 7:16-18
-Things offered in, to be brought to the tabernacle or temple
De 12:6,11,17,18,26
-Belonged to the priests
Nu 18:14
.By Jephthah, in consecration of his daughter as a sacrafice,
if his campaign against the Ammonites were successful
Jud 11:29-40
.The Israelites, to destroy the Benjamites
Jud 21:5,6 20:21
-Things forbidden to be offered in: Receipts of the whore and
the price of a "dog" (male prostitute of a pagan shrine)
De 23:18
-A minor, of himself
Mr 7:11-13
Ge 28:20,21 31:13 Le 5:4-13 22:18-25 Nu 15:2-16 30:1-16 De 23:18,21-23 Job 22:27 Ps 22:25 50:14,15 56:12 61:5,8 65:1 66:13,14 76:11 116:14-19 Pr 20:25 Ec 5:4-6 Jon 2:9 Na 1:15
.Of Jacob, see above
Ge 28:20-22
.Of the mother of Micah, in the dedication of silver for the
making of an idol
Jud 17:2,3
.Of Hannah, to consecrate to the Lord the child for which she
1Sa 1:11 1:27,28
.Of Elkanah
1Sa 1:21
.Of Absalom
2Sa 15:7,8
.Of Job, not to entertain thoughts of fornication
Job 31:1
.Of David
Ps 132:2
.Of Ananias and Sapphira, in the dedication of the proceeds
of the sale of their land
Ac 5:1-11
.Of the Jews, to kill Paul
Ac 23:12-15
.Of Jephthah, and of the Israelites
.See RASH VOWS, above