中文內容 | -又名亞伯蘭
創 11:26,27
創 11:29
-住在吾珥, 但搬到哈蘭
創 11:31 尼 9:7 徒 7:4
創 12:4,5,6 徒 7:4
創 12:1-3 書 24:3 尼 9:7 賽 51:2 徒 7:2,3 來 11:8
創 12:1,7 15:7-21 結 33:24
創 12:8
創 12:10-20 26:1
-聽從羅得, 選擇希伯倫為其居地
創 13 14:13 35:27
創 20 21:22-34
創 14:5-24 來 7:1
創 14:18-20 來 7:1-10
創 15 17:1-22 彌 7:20 路 1:73 羅 4:13 15:8
來 6:13,14 加 3:6-18,29 4:22-31
創 17:5 尼 9:7
創 17:10-14,23-27
創 18:1-16 22:11,15 24:7
創 18:23-32
創 19:27,28
創 16:3,15
-住在基拉耳; 騙亞比米勒撒萊不是他的妻子
創 20
創 21:2,3 加 4:22-30
創 21:10-14 加 4:22-30
-因為獻以撒, 信心受試驗
創 22:1-19 來 11:17 雅 2:21
創 23:1,2
-買了一塊地, 把撒萊葬在那地的洞裡
創 23:3-20
創 25:1
創 24
創 16:15 21:2,3 25:1-4 代上 1:32-34
創 25:5,6
創 13:2 24:35 賽 51:2
創 12:4 16:16 21:5 25:7
創 15:15 25:8-10
太 8:11 路 13:28 16:22-31
賽 41:8 代下 20:7 雅 2:23
創 12:7,8 13:4,18 18:19 20:7 21:33 22:3-13 26:5
尼 9:7,8 羅 4:16-18 代下 20:7 賽 41:8 雅 2:23
創 20:7
創 15:6 羅 4:1-22 加 3:6-9 來 11:8-10,17-19
雅 2:21-24
創 13:9 21:25-30
創 14:23 23:6-16
書 24:2
太 3:9 路 13:16,28 19:9 約 8:33-40
內容 | -Also called ABRAM
-Son of Terah
Ge 11:26,27
-Marries Sarah
Ge 11:29
-Lives in Ur, but removes to Haran
Ge 11:31 Ne 9:7 Ac 7:4
-And Canaan
Ge 12:4,5,6 Ac 7:4
-Divine call of
Ge 12:1-3 Jos 24:3 Ne 9:7 Isa 51:2 Ac 7:2,3 Heb 11:8
-Canaan given to
Ge 12:1,7 15:7-21 Eze 33:24
-Lives in Bethel
Ge 12:8
-Sojourns in Egypt
Ge 12:10-20 26:1
-Deferring to Lot, chooses Hebron
Ge 13 14:13 35:27
-Lives in Gerar
Ge 20 21:22-34
-Defeats Chedorlaomer
Ge 14:5-24 Heb 7:1
-Is blessed by Melchizedek
Ge 14:18-20 Heb 7:1-10
-God's covenant with
Ge 15 17:1-22 Mic 7:20 Lu 1:73 Ro 4:13 15:8 Heb
6:13,14 Ga 3:6-18,29 4:22-31
Ge 17:5 Ne 9:7
-Circumcision of
Ge 17:10-14,23-27
-Angels appear to
Ge 18:1-16 22:11,15 24:7
-His questions about the destruction of the righteous and
wicked in Sodom
Ge 18:23-32
-Witnesses the destruction of Sodom
Ge 19:27,28
-Ishmael born to
Ge 16:3,15
-Lives in Gerar; deceives Abimelech concerning Sarah, his wife
Ge 20
-Isaac born to
Ge 21:2,3 Ga 4:22-30
-Sends Hagar and Ishmael away
Ge 21:10-14 Ga 4:22-30
-Trial of his faith in the offering of Isaac
Ge 22:1-19 Heb 11:17 Jas 2:21
-Sarah, his wife, dies
Ge 23:1,2
-He purchases a place for her burial, and buries her in a cave
Ge 23:3-20
-Marries Keturah
Ge 25:1
-Provides a wife for Isaac
Ge 24
-Children of
Ge 16:15 21:2,3 25:1-4 1Ch 1:32-34
-Testament of
Ge 25:5,6
-Wealth of
Ge 13:2 24:35 Isa 51:2
-Age of, at different periods
Ge 12:4 16:16 21:5 25:7
Ge 15:15 25:8-10
-In Paradise
Mt 8:11 Lu 13:28 16:22-31
-Friend of God
Isa 41:8 2Ch 20:7 Jas 2:23
-Piety of
Ge 12:7,8 13:4,18 18:19 20:7 21:33 22:3-13 26:5 Ne
9:7,8 Ro 4:16-18 2Ch 20:7 Isa 41:8 Jas 2:23
-A prophet
Ge 20:7
-Faith of
Ge 15:6 Ro 4:1-22 Ga 3:6-9 Heb 11:8-10,17-19 Jas
-Unselfishness of
Ge 13:9 21:25-30
-Independence of, in character
Ge 14:23 23:6-16
-Ancestors of, idolatrous
Jos 24:2
-How regarded by his descendants
Mt 3:9 Lu 13:16,28 19:9 Joh 8:33-40