中文內容 | -一般經文
出 20:7 利 19:12 22:32 24:10-16 申 5:11 撒下 12:14
王下 19:22 代下 32:19 伯 9:16,17,34,35 10:2-7 13:7-9,25-27
伯 15:13,25,26 16:9,11,14 19:6,7,21,22 21:13,14
伯 22:12-14,17 30:21 33:10,11 34:5,6,9,16-19,37 37:20
伯 40:2 詩 5:1,2 10:11,13 50:21 73:9,11 74:18 78:19,20
詩 94:7 139:20 箴 30:7-9 賽 8:21,22 29:15,16
賽 36:15,18,20,21 37:10,23 40:27 45:9 52:5 65:7 耶 4:10
耶 17:15 20:7 23:10 結 8:12 9:9 18:25 20:27 33:17-20
結 35:12,13 但 7:25 11:36,37 何 7:13 番 1:12 亞 5:3,4
瑪 3:13,14 太 10:25 12:31,32 15:19 可 3:29,30 7:21-23
路 12:10 約 19:7 羅 2:24 林前 12:3 西 3:8 帖後 2:4
提後 3:2 來 10:29 雅 2:7 3:10 5:12 彼後 3:3,4 啟 13:1,6
啟 16:9,11,21 17:3
啟 13:1,5,6 16:9,11,21 17:3
.示羅密的墮落兒子跟一個以色列人爭吵時, 就咒詛上帝
利 24:10-16
民 21:5,6
撒下 12:14
撒下 16:5
王下 18:22 19:1-37 賽 36:15-20 37:10-33
.約伯的妻子勸約伯咒詛上帝, 並叫他死了吧
伯 2:9
太 26:74 可 14:71
.耶穌被釘十字架時, 謾罵他的人就褻瀆上帝
太 27:40-44,63
.初代基督徒受大樹的掃羅逼迫, 不得不褻瀆耶穌的名
徒 26:11 提前 1:13
.許米乃和亞力山大這兩個門徒被交給撒旦, 好叫他們學習不再褻瀆
提前 1:20
帖後 2:3,4
啟 2:9
王上 21:13
太 26:65 可 14:58 路 22:70,71 約 19:7
徒 6:11,13
可 2:7 路 5:21 |
內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Ex 20:7 Le 19:12 22:32 24:10-16 De 5:11 2Sa 12:14 2Ki
19:22 2Ch 32:19 Job 9:16,17,34,35 10:2-7 13:7-9,25-27 15:13,25,26 16:9,11,14 19:6,7,21,22 21:13,14 22:12-14,17 30:21 33:10,11 34:5,6,9,16-19,37 37:20 40:2 Ps 5:1,2 10:11,13 50:21 73:9,11 74:18 78:19,20 94:7 139:20 Pr 30:7-9 Isa 8:21,22 29:15,16 36:15,18,20,21 37:10,23 40:27 45:9 52:5 65:7 Jer 4:10 17:15 20:7 23:10 Eze 8:12 9:9 18:25 20:27 33:17-20 35:12,13 Da 7:25 11:36,37 Ho 7:13 Zep 1:12 Zec 5:3,4 Mal 3:13,14 Mt 10:25 12:31,32 15:19 Mr 3:29,30 7:21-23 Lu 12:10 Joh 19:7 Ro 2:24 1Co 12:3 Col 3:8 2Th 2:4 2Ti
3:2 Heb 10:29 Jas 2:7 3:10 5:12 2Pe 3:3,4 Re 13:1,6 16:9,11,21 17:3
-Prophecy of
Re 13:1,5,6 16:9,11,21 17:3
.The depraved son of Shelomith, who, in an altercation with
an Israelite, cursed God
Le 24:10-16
.Of the Israelites, in complaining against God
Nu 21:5,6
.Infidels, who used the adultery of David as an occasion to
2Sa 12:14
.Shimei, in his malice toward David
2Sa 16:5
.Rabshakeh, in the siege of Jerusalem
2Ki 18:22 19 Isa 36:15-20 37:10-33
.Job's wife, when she exhorted Job to curse God and die
Job 2:9
.Peter, when accused of being a disciple of Jesus
Mt 26:74 Mr 14:71
.The revilers of Jesus, when he was crucified
Mt 27:40-44,63
.The early Christians, persecuted by Saul of Tarsus,
compelled to blaspheme the name of Jesus
Ac 26:11 1Ti 1:13
.Two disciples, Hymenaeus and Alexander, who were delivered
to Satan, so that they could learn not to blaspheme
1Ti 1:20
.The man of sin
2Th 2:3,4
.Backslidden Ephesians
Re 2:9
.Of Naboth
1Ki 21:13
Mt 26:65 Mr 14:58 Lu 22:70,71 Joh 19:7
Ac 6:11,13
.Jesus falsely accused of, previously to his trial
Mr 2:7 Lu 5:21