內容 | -(Or more probably COPPER)
Eze 22:20 Job 28:2
-A mineral of Canaan
De 8:9 Jos 22:8
-Of Syria
2Sa 8:8
-Tyrians traded in
Eze 27:13
-Abundance of, for the temple
1Ki 7:47 1Ch 22:14
-Articles made of
.Altar, vessels, and other articles of the tabernacle and
Ex 38:28-31 1Ki 7:14-47 Ezr 8:27
1Ch 15:19
1Co 13:1
1Sa 17:5,6 2Ch 12:10
.Bows, see Bows
Jud 16:21 2Ki 25:7
Ps 107:16 Isa 45:2
1Ki 4:13
Da 5:4 Re 9:20
Ex 38:8
.Household vessels
Mr 7:4
Mt 10:9 Mr 12:41
-Workers in: Tubal-cain
Ge 4:22
1Ki 7:14
2Ti 4:14
Le 26:19 De 33:25 Isa 48:4 Jer 1:18 Eze 1:7 Da
2:32,39 7:19 10:6 Zec 6:1 Re 1:15