內容 | -Called the STAFF OF LIFE
Eze 4:16 5:16 14:13
.Bread of affliction
1Ki 22:27 Ps 127:2 Ho 9:4 Isa 30:20
.Leavened (made with yeast)
Le 7:13 23:17 Ho 7:4 Am 4:5 Mt 13:33
.Unleavened (made without yeast)
Ge 19:3 Ex 29:2 Jud 6:19 1Sa 28:24
-Made of wheat flour
Ex 29:2 1Ki 4:22 5:11 Ps 81:16
Nu 11:8
1Ki 17:12
Jud 7:13
.Mixed with oil
Ex 29:2,23
Ex 16:31
.With leaven, or ferment
.See leavened, in the paragraph above
.Also see LEAVEN
Ge 18:6 Ex 8:3 12:34 1Sa 28:24 2Sa 13:8 Jer 7:18 Ho
.Made into loaves
1Sa 10:3 17:17 25:18 1Ki 14:3 Mr 8:14
2Sa 6:19 1Ki 17:12
Ex 16:21 29:23
1Ki 14:3
.Baked in ovens
Ex 8:3 Le 2:4 7:9 11:35 26:26 Ho 7:4
.in pans
Le 2:5,7 2Sa 13:6-9
.on hearths
Ge 18:6
.on coals
1Ki 19:6 Isa 44:19 Joh 21:9
.on coals of dung
Eze 4:12,15
-Made by men
Ge 40:2
-Made by women
Le 26:26 1Sa 8:13 Jer 7:18
-Traffic in
Jer 37:21 Mr 6:37
Le 21:6,8,17,21,22 22:25 1Sa 2:36 2Ki 23:9
-By idolaters
Jer 7:18 44:19
Isa 55:2 1Co 10:17 2Co 9:10
Joh 6:32-35
.Of the body of Christ
Mt 26:26 Ac 20:7 1Co 11:23,24