內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Ex 23:8 De 16:18,19 27:25 1Sa 8:1,3 Job 15:34 Ps
26:9,10 Pr 15:27 17:8,23 18:16 21:14 25:14 28:21 29:4 Ec 7:7 Isa 1:23 5:22,23 33:15,16 Eze 13:19 22:12,13 Am 2:6 5:12 Mic 7:3
Jud 16:5
.Samuel's sons
.See above
.The false prophet, Shemaiah
Ne 6:10-13
1Ki 15:19
.Haman bribes Ahasuerus to destroy the Jews
Es 3:9
.Chief priests bribe Judas
Mt 26:15 27:3-9 Mr 14:11 Lu 22:5
.Soldiers bribed to declare that the disciples stole the body
of Jesus
Mt 28:12-15
.Governor Felix seeks a bribe from Paul
Ac 24:26