0328 0330舊約新約 Strong's number
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0329 'atad {a:-ta:d'}

字根已不使用, 可能意為"刺穿"或"使快速"; TWOT - 71a; 陽性名詞

欽定本 - bramble 3, Atad 2, thorns 1; 6

1) 刺藤, 鼠李
2) 亞達禾場, 意為棘, 也叫亞伯麥西, 後來叫伯曷拉,
   位於約旦西邊, 在約旦和耶利哥之間
本字典尚在發展中,錯繆缺漏難免,請多多包涵!有意見請聯繫twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 註:<神出>表示TWOT神學辭典編號和此字第一次出處
<神出>71a 創50:10
<譯詞>荊棘4 亞達2(6)
一、荊棘士9:14,15,15 詩58:9

意為「荊棘」,雅各的眾子和眷屬哀哭雅各的地方,在亞達的禾場上,因此那地方又叫亞伯麥西(意思是哀痛的草地),後來叫伯曷拉,在約旦和耶利哥之間, 創50:10,11 。*

0329 'atad {aw-tawd'}

from an unused root probably meaning to pierce or make fast;
   TWOT - 71a; n m

AV - bramble 3, Atad 2, thorns 1; 6

1) bramble, thorn, buckthorn
2) the threshing Atad, meaning thorn, also called Abelmizraim
   and afterwards called Bethhogla was located on the west of
   Jordan between the Jordan and Jericho